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Insights from the Founder

Trusting God for the Future

Insights from the Founder

“She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.”

Proverbs 31:25

What does it really mean to laugh at the days to come? If you are anything like me, the unknowns of the future can keep my brain swirling, trying to solve for every possible outcome (for Enneagram fans…yes, I’m a 6!).

What would it look like to instead TRUST that God knows what’s coming and that HE will not only help me navigate it but that His plans are always to use it for my good?!

What would it look like to have no fear of the future but instead be able to lean into it…to look forward to whatever lies ahead with JOY?!

And I love the first part of this verse: She is clothed with dignity and strength… I mean, where can I shop at THAT boutique??

To live with dignity, to me means she lives with integrity…her dignity comes from having her insides match her outsides. She is not easily swayed by the opinions of others or the circumstances she finds herself in. But instead she chooses to stand firmly in who she is as a daughter of the King, bought with the highest price and secure in His love. This empowers her to face the future with courage, hope, and yes, JOY. 💃🤩

This is available to all of us, TODAY. ☀️

Today can be a day of choosing to TRUST, to REST in knowing who and whose you are and allowing yourself to HOPE that there are good things ahead!!! 🥰

Here’s to the days to come!


President & Founder | Wise Women
President & Senior Financial Advisor | Insight Wealth